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What Is Shruti In Family Law?

What Is Shruti In Family Law?

A vast array of legal rules and procedures that control familial connections, such as marriage, divorce, adoption, and inheritance, are included in family law. The word “Shruti,” which is crucial to understanding Hindu personal laws, appears in the large tapestry of family law.

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History of Shruti in Family Law

  • Shruti, a Sanskrit term, translates to “that which is heard” or “revealed.” In the context of Hinduism and family law, Shruti refers to the sacred texts and scriptures that form the foundation of religious and legal practices. 
  • The two primary sources of Shruti are the Vedas and the Smritis. The Vedas, considered the oldest and most authoritative scriptures, are a collection of hymns, chants, and rituals. The Smritis, on the other hand, are secondary scriptures that expound upon and elaborate the principles laid down in the Vedas.
  • The relevance of Shruti in family law stems from its role in shaping the ethical and moral framework of Hindu society. 
  • It provides guidelines for individual conduct, societal norms, and, crucially, the regulation of familial relationships. 
  • The Manusmriti, one of the most renowned Smritis, contains verses that deal with various aspects of family law, including marriage, inheritance, and the duties of individuals within a family.

Shruti in Contemporary Family Law

In contemporary legal systems, the influence of Shruti is still palpable, particularly in matters related to Hindu personal laws. Despite the evolution of legal codes and statutes, many aspects of family law are deeply rooted in the principles enunciated in ancient Hindu scriptures. The Hindu Marriage Act, Hindu Succession Act, and other legislation governing family matters often draw inspiration from the ethical and moral guidelines embedded in Shruti.

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One of the fundamental areas where Shruti plays a pivotal role is in the institution of marriage. The concept of sacramental marriage, as articulated in the Vedas, continues to shape the legal understanding of marriage in Hindu personal laws. The emphasis on dharma (duty) and the sacred nature of the marital union are echoes of the Shruti tradition, influencing modern legal doctrines and interpretations.

Furthermore, the inheritance laws outlined in the Hindu Succession Act find their roots in the principles of Shruti. The Manusmriti, for instance, delineates the rules of succession based on gender, age, and familial relationships. While contemporary legal systems have undergone reforms to address gender disparities, the foundational principles rooted in Shruti still underpin the inheritance laws applicable to Hindus.

Challenges and Criticisms: Shruti

  • Despite its historical significance, the application of Shruti in contemporary family law is not without challenges and criticisms. 
  • One of the primary critiques revolves around the gender biases inherent in many ancient scriptures. 
  • Critics argue that certain verses in the Manusmriti, for example, perpetuate patriarchal norms and discriminate against women in matters of inheritance and marital rights.
  • To address these concerns, legal scholars and activists advocate for a reinterpretation of Shruti in light of modern principles of equality and justice. 
  • They argue that while the historical context of Shruti is essential, its application should be dynamic and adaptable to changing societal norms. 
  • This approach, they contend, would allow for the preservation of the ethical and moral essence of Shruti while ensuring its compatibility with contemporary notions of fairness and equality.
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Adaptability and Evolution of Shurti

  • The adaptability of Shruti in family law is evident in the evolution of legal principles over time. While the foundational principles may remain rooted in ancient scriptures, legal systems have shown a willingness to adapt and incorporate changes that reflect the evolving societal norms and values. 
  • The reinterpretation of Shruti is not a departure from its essence but rather a recognition of its capacity to guide and inform legal doctrines in different contexts.

Legal Reforms and Contemporary Perspectives of Shruti

  • Several legal reforms have been enacted to address the challenges associated with the application of Shruti in family law. Amendments to existing legislation, such as the Hindu Succession Act, seek to rectify gender disparities and promote gender equality in matters of inheritance. These reforms demonstrate the recognition that family law must evolve to meet the demands of a changing society while preserving the core principles of justice and fairness embedded in Shruti.
  • Contemporary perspectives on family law also emphasize the need for a holistic and inclusive approach. Scholars argue for a harmonious integration of traditional values with modern legal principles, ensuring that the legal framework remains relevant and responsive to the diverse needs of society. This nuanced approach recognizes the cultural and historical significance of Shruti while acknowledging the imperative of adapting to contemporary realities.

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