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Law chambers- Lead India Lawyers

Law chambers- Lead India Lawyers

Life is unpredictable as anything may happen at any stage of your life. DFor example, in a sudden situation like a road accident or a hit and run case, one’s entire life may turn upside down in a few hours. During these times, being assisted by an experienced lawyer who can  represent your case in the best possible way is a must. Having a lawyer for criminal prosecutions is so important that if you are not in a position to appoint a lawyer on your own, the State  will provide you one to represent your case.

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Mentioned below are a few reasons, which explain as to why it is important to hire a lawyer of your own-

  • Lesser Stress The most important reason to appoint a lawyer is so as to save yourself from unnecessary stress. A court case takes a toll on one’s mental health as well as emotional well being. Also, if you do not prepare for your case at the very initial stages, it can be harmful for your case. In these situations, it will be favourable for you that a professional handles your case. 
  • Can Represent you As soon as you are arrested, you are provided with the right to contact your lawyer who could represent you. On the other hand, when you are not represented by a capable person, it would weaken your case. An experienced advocate  would be aware of the ins and outs of your case and would be able to handle your case easily. He could advise you timely so that you do not create more problems for your case during the ongoing investigation.
  • Know the Criminal Justice System A criminal lawyer has spent years studying the law and practicing it. He is aware as to how to handle your charges in the best possible way, and which law can be applied in order to save you from a particular charge.
  • Can Help you Understand the Whole Process An experienced lawyer will explain to you the tiniest detail regarding your case, which you may not be able to understand otherwise. 
  • Handle Your Paperwork Dealing with the documents in a criminal case is of extreme import, one single missing paper can affect your case. Hence, appointing a professional will be very helpful.
  • Increases the chances  of success  In case you are not represented by an experienced advocate, the chances of you getting charged increase, as you will not be represented properly and your case may weaken. 
  • Can Help you get A Bail When you are charged with a criminal offence and get arrested during the course of investigation, you may apply for a bail. However, in some cases, it is important to convince the magistrate that allowing the bail won’t affect the investigation or it’s not proper to keep you under arrest during the course of investigation. For all these procedures, a proper representation of your situation is necessary, which can  be done by an experienced lawyer only.
  • Will Represent you in the Best Possible Way The side with the most compelling evidence, will have the highest chances to win a court case. There are different stages in a criminal case, starting from arrest to appeal. All these stages must be handled with extreme precaution. Therefore, a good and experienced lawyer will have to follow through these procedures, who will know the evidence required to be gathered, the examination of the witnesses, etc. 
  • Will Be Able to Point out the Flaws in Opposition’s Case It is necessary to weaken the case of the opposition in order to prove that your case is correct. An experienced advocate would know as to how to pinpoint the faults in the case of the opposition and can create doubt about the charges framed by the opposition. 
  • Help you Protect your Future A criminal case affects your social as well as your professional life. A criminal case could affect your present employment or your future chances at a good employment. If you are found guilty, it would not only result in jail time, but would remain with you throughout your life. An expert defence lawyer will help you from facing these circumstances. 
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What is a lawyer’s chamber ?  

In countries like England, Wales, India, Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, office premises which are used by a Barrister or a group of barristers, specifically in the Court Premises is generally referred to as a Lawyer’s Chamber. Here, the advocates are generally solo practitioners. 

Lead India offers you a team of experienced advocates, who could help you deal with criminal cases as well as civil cases in an experienced and timely manner. We offer assistance in following through legal procedures as well as guidance regarding the options available to you in your case. Thus, in case you wish to ask a legal question or seek free legal advice online, you may contact us.

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