My friend had an accident with my bike - How i will get my bike back from police

My friend took my bullet 350 bike for few days, which is having all papers in force and he made an accident by hitting a person on national highway and the person died on the spot and minor damages to bike and my friends right hand was broken, He is safe and now my question is does police will hander over my bike or not , how many days does it takes to get my bike back, here the victim wants to settle issue without going to court, My friend is not telling clearly but police filed case on his name.

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Advocate By LEAD INDIA Answered: 09 Oct 2023

The police may hold onto your bike as evidence while they investigate the accident. This is common practice, and it's important to cooperate with the police investigation.Once the police have completed their investigation, they will likely release your bike back to you. For further enquiry contact us on our helpline number.

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