Process Of Filing RTI Applications

You can draft or submit RTI applications for seeking any information from public authorities/ ministries of central government/ state govt. It means the right to seek information accessible under RTI Act 2005.

Information includes:

  1. Inspection of work, documents and records
  2. Taking notes, extracts or certified copies of documents or records;
  3. Taking certified samples of material;
  4. Obtaining information in the form of diskettes, floppies, tapes, video cassettes or in any other electronic mode or through printouts where such information is stored in a computer or in any other device
How Lead India helps in filing RTI applications?

Our consultant will discuss the issue over a 24X7 helpline “Samadhan”

Step 1

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Step 2

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Step 3


The objective of the Right to Information Act (RTI) is aimed to promote transparency as well as the accountability with regard to the functioning of the public authority. It serves as an important medium between the citizens and the authorities in resolving doubts or queries. In recent times, filing RTI applications digitally has made the procedure convenient and simpler for citizens to get information. One may file an RTI application either offline or by visiting the official website and registering on it. RTI prohibits the access of certain confidential information of departments such as military data concerning the safety of the nation.

What Is RTI

RTI is the Right to Information Act which empowers any citizen to obtain desired information regarding the functioning, schemes, or policies of any organization by submitting an application to the concerned authority.

Eligibility for filing RTI Application

During the early 1990s, an organization, namely, Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS) in Rajasthan, started the movement for the right to access information. This led to a national campaign, consequently giving rise to the Freedom of Information Act 2002. This was the first as well as significant movement pertaining to the Right to Information that took place in Rajasthan. Several other activists and organizations also expressed their demands for having the right to information. The demands increased due to an active role played by the Union, State, and local governments in people’s lives. Thus it was important for the citizens to have access to the functioning of the government as well as to keep a check on arbitrariness. 

Therefore, after much struggle, the Right to Information Act came into place and in the act, it was stated that any person who is a citizen of India, has the right to information. This is given under section 3 of the RTI Act. Section 6 of the Act also makes another provision that states that any individual desiring to get information shall submit an application to the concerned authority. RTI Act also makes provision for an NRI to file an RTI application. Thus it can be said that any citizen of India, Overseas Citizen of India (OCI), or any person of Indian Origin (PIO) can file an RTI application.

Process Of Filing Application

RTI applications can be filed both offline as well as online. The following process is to be followed while filing the RTI application offline.

  • The individual must ensure the appropriate department to seek information from before filing the application. This implies that the individual shall decide whether the query relates to the municipality or state government of the central government.
  • On ensuring the department to which the query is related, the individual can write or type the application in Hindi or English. An application can also be written in the local language if the query is related to the local authority.
  • The address of the concerned authority shall be mentioned clearly in the application along with the individual’s name, address for communication, and place of residence.
  • The individual should mention the query concerning which they are seeking information specifically. The queries must be related to the same subject for which the individual is seeking information. There is no limitation on the number of queries.
  • A nominal fee is to be paid after preparing the application by cash or bank draft or a court fee stamp. If the individual falls under the category of Below the Poverty Line and is unable to pay the fee, proof of the same shall be attached with the application.
  • On complying with all the above steps, the individual can finally send the application through post or personally hand it over to the concerned authority. An acknowledgment receipt is given to the individual after submitting the application.

The following steps can be followed to file the RTI application online.

  • Visit the official website and register by creating a username and password.
  • Click on the ‘Submit Request’ on the top left corner of the website. A page describing the guidelines for filing RTI will pop up where you have to accept the terms and submit for further process.
  • RTI application request form can be seen at The required information should be filled up by selecting the concerned department.
  • In the next step, the individual has to write the information required by him within 3000 words in the ‘text for RTI application’ box. If the text exceeds the limit one can upload supporting documents.
  • On submitting the application, a unique registration number is created for future reference.
  • A nominal fee of Rs 10 has to be paid by internet banking or through Debit Card.
  • On completing the payment process, the individual will receive an email as well as a message for successfully submitting the application.

RTI Filing Authority

One can request information from the three levels of the government. That is the Central, State, or Local government authorities. For example, there are certain issues that fall under the purview of the Central Government. If an individual wants to request information relating to Defence, they should contact the Ministry of Defence. RTI does not allow information regarding sensitive issues to be available to the citizens due to the safety of the nation. There is certain crucial secretive information that the government is not liable to disclose even though an RTI is filed.


To strike a balance between the administration and functioning of the government authorities, the right to information serves as an important tool, which can be used by citizens. The government plays an important role in society. Therefore, setting the administration free from being questioned will give rise to arbitrariness in most cases. No doubt there is certain information that due to its sensitive nature and confidentiality is not shared with the public.

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FAQs On RTI Filing

There are several reasons based on which a citizen can file a complaint under the RTI Act. Some of the following reasons are-


  • The Public Information Officer (PIO) has not been appointed by the concerned department. 
  • The PIO or Assistant PIO has refused to accept your RTI application
  • The PIO or Assistant PIO has refused to accept your Appeal 
  • You have been refused access to information that you desire
  • You have not received your response in the time limit prescribed by the RTI Act and the Rules. 
  • If a hefty fee is demanded from you for the information you request. 
  • If you believe that you have been misled in any way or have been given incomplete or false information. 

According to the RTI law in India, in most cases, it mandates that information be provided in 30 days after the application is received by the PIO.

Once you file an RTI application online, you can check the status of your application by visiting and giving the unique registration number.

One can file an appeal if their RTI application has not been answered within the prescribed duration. A first appeal can be filed addressed to the Appellate Authority with the name of the concerned department as well as the address. This makes it mandatory for the Appellate Authority to reply back within 30 days of the receipt of the appeal. However, one can file a further appeal to the Information Commission, Chief Information Commissioner or State or Central Information Commission on the failure of Appellate Authority to reply.

As per RTI Act, no fee has to be paid for the first appeal.

No, an online first appeal can only be filed against a previously filed online RTI application.

How Lead India Can Help You?

  1. Trustworthy & Confidential - We assure you that all your personal details & documents must be kept private. We never share these details with anyone.   
  2. Expert Advice – Clients need expert advice before proceeding with any issues troubling them. We have the most experienced lawyers who provide you with the best guidance and procedure required. 
  3. Zero Stress – You need not worry about the specific details and departments to be mentioned in the RTI application. Our Associate will perform all these procedures.
  4. Top Quality Lawyers - Lead India will help you to choose among the best lawyers who deal with the drafting and filing of RTI applications. There are different associates who work with us, you can choose a lawyer depending upon their practice area, experience & user rating. 
  5. Track Your Case - We provide you the opportunity to track your cases from the online dashboard. You can easily track your application or document status, payment status, etc.

Trishna Kumari

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