Is it necessary to register non-registered deed?

Sir, My name is John and would like to know about more about registration act section 17.I have a deed and deed related document or agreement which is not registered. But deed is a sale deed which is registered. Its about a school. In the registered deed, it states that the property is registered in a schools name with one manager. And in the non registered document or agreement states that the manager gives a 1/3 rd. share of the registered property to another party. So my question here is do we need registration for this non registered document or agreement related to the registered deed and in which particular section 17 of the registration action states about the non registration of such documents. Can you please specify. John

1 Answer
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Advocate By LEAD INDIA Answered: 05 Oct 2023

Yes, you need to register the non-registered document or agreement related to the registered deed. Section 17 of the Registration Act, 1908 (the Act) lists the documents that are required to be registered. Clause (b) of Section 17(1) requires the registration of non-testamentary documents that signify any operation, declaration, assignment, limitation, or extinguishment of any right, title, or interest in immovable property of the value of one hundred rupees and upwards. Contact us for further enquiry.

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