Consult with best Lawyer in Bhangel, Noida
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List of Verified Top Lawyers in Bhangel, Noida India

Advocate Anurag Bhati
- 4.0 | 156+ Ratings
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Client's Reviews
Sanjay Jadav
02 Jan 2022Review By: Adv. Moinuddin Shah
I am very happy with Lead India Law Associate Service it's very nice services didn't take extra charge they told charge same take
Nabajit Das
30 Nov 2021Review By: Adv. Piyush Arora
I was well advised by the best lawyer on the case legal advice of my case.
25 Jul 2021Review By: Adv. Somendra Singh
Very helpful service
25 Jan 2022Review By: Adv. Amandeep Chauhan
I recommend Lead India for every complex child custody and Divorce cases. He was very professional every time when he used to argue my matter in court of law.
12 Jul 2023Review By: Adv. Shreeyal Kamat
Lead india gives you genuine advice.
Shaif Khan
22 Jun 2022Review By: Adv. Aadethiya Ramgopal Jajoo
This firm is outstanding. Subash ji gave me remarkable recommendation, stayed on pinnacle of things, explained the whole thing very honestly to me. he is wonderful individual having fantastic expertise and skill!!
Himanshu Kuma...
03 Dec 2021Review By: Adv. Pavan Kumar Singh
Very satisfied with the guidance. Many lawyers advise me to file the case. But here, they fully guided me on the pro and cons of filing the case.
Rameshwar Jat...
10 Feb 2022Review By: Adv. Arvind Kumar
Subhash sir ki sari videos marriage par hi ku aake ke atak jati h?
Sanjay Kumar...
15 Jan 2022Review By: Adv. Mandeep Singla
The lawyer helped me to out big time, and felt at ease during the whole process. I highly recommend him to anyone who needs sound legal advice.
Md Shahid
08 Jun 2022Review By: Adv. Shariful Haq
One stop for all questions whether individual or business related and best part is the point at which you have families/colleagues abroad so this organization can direct the two sides of tax assessment and different matters and handle all tasks well overall . I have been in contact with Lead India for some master exhortation on a few strategic plan and truly directed well with all upsides and downsides .Thanks.
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